September 20th 2010
On September 19th around 6pm the street came alive too the sound of alarm bells going off at no5. Where police cars, along with a CCTV van parked outside the building as police officers went inside to check the damage. "Where I believe only one group of people live, in what looks like a derelict building. And all because the council have miss managed the situation for the best part of a year and counting."
What It was all about I hear you say is anyone's guess. But since lead thief's and fire starters have been damaging the property in the past. I would hazard a guess it was thief's after the remaining lead booty and they tripped the alarms the council must have installed on previous visits to repair the never ending damage.

Well not long after the police left we had what's become a regular accuracies in Clavering street. Where not one but two fire engines showed up on the west side of the street and fire crew head for the old folks sheltered housing in Gallacher street and leave just as quick.

I'm glad too say they've never had a fire over there but I suspect the cooking of greasy food was responsible for the endless call outs to deal with an over sensitive smoke alarm. And the frailty of the old folk living their, who're unable to reach the off button on the smoke detectors are the cause of the call outs. No doubt Cameron & Clegg will be cutting back on home help like everything else, so we can expect more of the same any time soon.

Not long after the fire engines left it was the councils turn to arrive along with the same police CCTV van. And the workman set about securing the properties at no5, at what must be at huge expense to the tax payer. And all for the sake of a decent close door and most importantly. The vetting of people before dumping them in the street to wreck the place, notably junkies & known criminals.

Well today the 20th of September I wasn't surprise to see the council caring out said repairs. But what was a surprise they where now finally getting round to replacing No5 close door with a new red metal secure door and one that opens out wards instead of the trial door at No7. That some how opens inwards, making it easy too boot in much like the older wooden ones.

The workers kindly permitted me to take photos and said the council will eventually get round too replacing the rest of the close doors and we had a wee laugh at the door at no7 which opens the wrong way round. "Bloody council desk jockeys"

So how much has this cost the tax payer and will those workers still have a job after this coalition government, "too which we Scots never voted for." Lay them all off in their thousands. Which might turn more than Clavering street into a shit hole and much like what Ferguslie park became in the 70s, if the money and work force aren't there to fix up the ongoing damage.

Just like unemployment & poverty saw Ferguslie Park run down into the ground with endless buildings ending up being demolished as a result of dampness for the lack of lead on the roofs and in most cases stolen door, fitting, floor boards etc.

I say this as buildings around here have already seen lead thief's stripping them bare. And with the rainy season about to begin, those who live next too leadless roofs can expect their homes flooding as the streets run into the ground by criminals who couldn't care less as they tear the street apart.

Funny the council spent £18m on their offices yet forgot the people their meant to represent. Though we live in shit holes 24/7 and the council bosses work in luxury buildings for 8 hours a day five days a week.

What a fucking rip off and I'm not talking about stripping lead off the roofs.
Up the workers & Down with the government!!

Clavering street once upon a time was a place where the public would have given their right hand too move into. But when the street looks like this & barely a day goes by without the police or fire crews being called out too deal with anti social behaviour & criminal damage. Then those who once showed an interest now view the street that languishes in the dark side with contempt. You voted for what fellow buddies? Wendy Alexander who along with most Scots mps who're now fighting for southern mps to take over Labour. Yet Scotland brushed the south aside in the elections and now the same southern alias are set to wield the axe & massive spending cuts can only make things worse.


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